Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Media Terminology

Media Text -  a specific media product produced by an institution or organisation.
Media Form - the type of media a text is using to communicate.
Media Language - communication. The meaning or connotations behind a certain type of media, imagery, or font. For example, on the poster of a science fiction film there may be pictures of spaceships or futuristic weaponry. The target audience will be able to identify the film as being science fiction because that is the connotation of the imagery.
Media Institutions - a media institution is the company or organisation who produces the media. Each media institution usually produces a specific category of media, aimed at a specific target audience. Examples of media institutions include The Times, Facebook, the Walt Disney Company and Endemol. 
Media Audiences - a media audience is a group of people who view or are the recipients of media. Specific examples of media audiences would be television viewers, those who read magazines and those who listen to the radio.
Media Representation - this is the portrayal and construction of specific aspects of media, such as types of people (usually stereotypes), locations and objects. It affects how media audiences view these different things.
Denotation - the description of something.
Connotation - what we associate with that description.
MCU - Media Close Up.
Media Conventions - the typical characteristics or aspects of a media form or product. These characteristics define the genre, and allow the audience to identify the genre.

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